During my first few flights, the idea of being in the skies was exciting. How can such a big airplane fly? I know there are physics concepts behind that, but my curiosity was there. I was excited, my eyes were big and shining, like a kid. There will be a background countdowns in my mind at takeoff and landing times. The increasing pressure within the cabin gave me an adrenaline rush. In the skies, the sky looked amazing! A horizon of fluffy clouds was beautifully lighted by the rays of the sun. Due to that I loved the window seat.

Now, I am still amazed by the beauty out the window but I am not bothered if I am not able to get my window seat. It is because, I always got distracted by the entertainment at my seat. For the price I paid, I felt the compulsion to watch to the newest movies or listen to the newest songs. As soon as I am onboard and sitting comfortably on my seat, I immediately get my headphones ready and start browsing through the huge selection of videos and songs. I only realized that my body was on auto mode during my last trip. No matter how sleepy I was, my body just moved and I will force myself to finish the season of "The Big Bang Theory".
This is not a good sign. Why am I distracted from the beauty that God has created? What changed? I was not like that before, I want my old me back... I sounded like a kid throwing a fit. ^_^